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Sylvia Walker ReeceSylvia Lee Walker was born January 14, 1908 to the parents of Johnny & Emma Walker and died on October 31, 1980. She was the oldest daughter of 11 children. As a child, she grew up in Ore City and her family called her “Sister.”She went to elementary and high school in Ore City in Upshur County. After finishing high school she went to Center Point College for two years and when her mom got sick she came home to help the family. She was a substitue teacher briefly in Ore City. She met Louis Reece and they were married in 1929. They lived in Ore City until 1937 and moved to other locations before they moved to Dallas in 1960. Her mother away and didn’t have the opportunity to see her get married. They had 10 children to this union; Johnnie, Robert, Mary , Dorothy, Calvin (deceased) Joe Wayne (deceased), Billy Ray (deceased), Charles, Lynn, Lee Allen, godson Daniel. She has 25 grandchildren, 37 great grandchildren, and 15 great great-grandchildren. Sylvia and Louis were married for almost fifty-two years before her death in 1980. She was a very good wife and mother. She was a Christian who raised her children up in the church. She helped support the family by sewing for her family and the community. Her hobby was serving, not just for her family, but also for friends and her community. She loved baseball and when the World Series was on the children did not get in the way. She loved playing games with her children like cards and dominos. A funny moment remembered was she never could get names right. When she got mad at one of the kids and called their name she would call all the kids names until she get the right name of who she was talking to, or when one of the boy's girlfriends called she would try and guess who she was talking to by naming other girls. She was totally committed to being a Walker.
Submitted by: Dorothy (Reece) Harris (2003)
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